This set of documents deals with miscellaneous Customer Engineering topics. They were orginally with G-15D serial number 186 in Houston, Texas.
It is a complete miscellany -- many documents are hand-modified, most likely by the Houston CE.
acidtest.gif is a list of spare package "acid test" locations that are essential to diagnosing individual cards.
blockdia.gif is a block diagram of the computer.
cmwave.gif is a hand-drawn "CM" waveform. I include it in case it clarifies anything, but I doubt it.
fanmotor.gif is a note on where to buy replacement fan motors. Included "just in case" they're still in business :-)
headposn.gif is a line drawing of head arrangement around the drum. This is basically another view of information contained in the technical manual.
numtrack.gif is a rendering of an actual printout, probably made on one of the Houston machines. I do not know to which machine it applies, or indeed, if to all of them.
periphpn.gif is Customer Engineering part numbers assigned for parts numbers for various peripherals. (Ignore the G-20 parts numbers, this must have been a combined list.)
tubedata.gif is a quick guide to the vacuum tubes used in the G-15.
Scanned by Mark Linimon,, 1/11/2000.